
Icing on the cake

As much as I’ve always loved reading blogs, I just recently started ‘attempting’ to post on my blog more regularly.  I was saying to Daniel the other day that I love reading blogs much more than I love writing on my own…Alas, I motivate myself to write because I want to have these memories of our mundane amazing journey together.  It’s just icing on the cake that even one person would be interested in what I’m writing.  Thank you, Noony, for the Liebster Award nomination. I’m humbled that anyone even reads this stuff! As part of the Liebster nomination I’ll be answering a few questions:

Why did you start your blog?

I started Stickyriceandketchup to keep up with ordinary memories from this journey called life since I recently got married.  I want this blog to be a public journal of Daniel’s and my life together chronicling the ordinary and fun events.

Favorite cuisine?

I love lots of “cuisines,” but I’d have to say my favorite is Italian. I love thin, brick-oven type pizza and greasy pizza, spaghetti, and wine so–Italian it is!

Drinks or desserts?

Definitely drinks! I’ll take a MaiTai or pretty much any concoction of fruit juices and rum over dessert most days.

If you could only watch one TV show for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

Probably Big Bang Theory. I never get tired of the hilarious quirks of each character–especially Raj and Sheldon.

What is your favorite meal to cook?

One of my favorite meals to cook is a good-ol’ steak, red potatoes, and asparagus. Keep it simple 🙂

What is your favorite book?

I love some good non-fiction. For a more intellectual read, I like C.S. Lewis’ The Weight of Glory essays (also The Screwtape Letters). I recently read Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand.

Have you ever been out of the country?

I have been out of the country several times, but never left this continent. I’ve been to Mexico (Cancun, Playa Del Carmen) and Canada (Vancouver, Montreal).

What was your first post on your blog?

My first post was How Running is Benefitting my Prayer Life.… which reminds me that I should pray more!

Which of your childhood memories is the prettiest one?

This is a tough question. When I was younger we took many family vacations. I’ve always loved the beach so I’ll have to go with Playa Del Carmen, Mexico.  The beach is the bluest and the sand is the whitest…by far one of the most beautiful beaches!

Which incident has touched your life the most?

By sheer providence I interned at a Catholic Charities agency in the Midwest the summer before I graduated with my Bachelor’s. I had always been interested in refugee work, but had never been afforded the opportunity to experience refugee services firsthand. The summer of 2011 I interned with Refugee and Migrant Services and was able to be at the airport when a family was reunited after three years of being apart.  I was also able to go on several home visits with familes who had been resettled from Burma and the Congo.  Because of this experience, my whole life trajectory shifted and I am now exactly one month away from graduating with my Master’s in Social Work.

P.S. As if you couldn’t tell, I just learned read how to use links in-text so I’m practicing. Image

